Color by the Yard Emerald Pendant


Style this adjustable chain with other pendants of varying lengths for a look that\’s sure to turn heads.

Nunc, scelerisque sit nunc, tincidunt gravida id enim. Dictum sagittis, nunc, sit purus facilisi vitae. Aenean ullamcorper vestibulum porttitor dui sed urna, pellentesque in. Vel proin venenatis mi, vitae tempus, metus imperdiet diam quis. Tortor ullamcorper egestas sem amet senectus. Sollicitudin praesent vitae sem dignissim neque scelerisque id leo fringilla. Aliquet dignissim id.


Gemstone Color

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Gemstone shape

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Extra Large, Extra Small, Large, Medium, Small

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Color by the Yard Emerald Pendant
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